We have access to many excellent databases through the NOVELNY program. These are a great place to find supplementary nonfiction articles. Many of these databases also allow you to filter your results by reading level. Your school librarian is always available to give you a demonstration. Ask your school librarian for login information, if needed.
If you have a particular search try these other databases by Gale which target more specific areas.
News and periodical articles including current events, health care, science, hobbies, and politics.
Peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world's leading journals and reference sources.
Full-text articles from twenty-five New York state newspapers including the New York Times.
Full-text newspaper database which allows users to search articles instantly by title, headline, date, newspaper section or other assigned fields.
A collection of over 1,000 peer-reviewed journals including Nature, National Geographic, and Science World/Current Science.
Covers today’s pressing social issues from many angles.
A well-rounded collection of full-text journals and magazines, as well as archives of images, video and audio recordings about U.S. History and current events.
Another collection of journals and magazines, as well as archives of images, video and audio recordings exploring world history and current events.